Завгүй байх гэж юуг хэлдэг вэ... Дээр үед харж байсан тодотголоо (by DLJ (an investment bank) staffer) юу ч болсон тавьж үзлээ... (1994 оны 3 сарын 24нд явуулсан факс)
"It has come to my attention (largely because of my inability to staff deals) that everyone claims to be "too busy". However, everyone has his or her own definition of "too busy" which can cause inequities in assignments.
The one true definition of "too busy" is being physically unable and having no more time to do more work (not to take on one more deal).
Lets define "busy". You are " busy" if you are working each weekday at least 16 hours and at least 16 hours on the weekend. These are working hours - not traveling, gabbing or eating time. If these are not your hours at the office, you have the capacity to take one more work.
Vacations, weekend plans, roadshows, overstaffed due diligences or drafting questions must take a back seat to getting work done. If you are planning any such activities, you should ask me before going.
As you know, we rely on your judgment in taking on new deals. Bed checks, sign in sheets etc are not part of our culture. Fairness and equitable treatments are part of our ???, and if someone is not willing to work hard on their par as hard as our hardest workers, then they are, pardon for the .... " unshij chadahaa bolichloo... What do you think? keke
За тэр ч яахав.
Өчигдөр амeрик элчин оров. "Ярилцлаганд ор" энээ тэрээ гээд томроод байхаар нь хар борооноор, хар үүрээр яваад очсон, ярилцаж байгаа зүйл нь
- Зиаг, эмээрик орон орж яахна уу???
- Зугээр л... ажлаар...
- Хм. Ойлоо. Виз чинь дараа долоо хоногт гарна. Баяртай...
Ийм юм ярих гэсэн юм бол үхсэн элийгээ хийж хүн дууддаг байна аа тэ? Шал дургуй хурсэн.. Бөөн bureaucracy...
8 сард 3 хоног солонгос, 5-6 хоног монгол хариж магадгуй. Зиаг нэг тиймэрхүү...
hehe yariltslaga harin neg tiimerhuu yum asuugaad bdgiin tee^^
solongost irne gsen taatai sonsogdoj baina(oor yu gej helehu?)aj jargal huseye^^
Uncle Sam-iind ireh gej biagaa yum uu? Hezee? haaguur ve? Oirhon bol uleever hogjimtei ugtiya or do you prefer flowers? LOL...
haa gazriin elchin ene ter gej buun hund surtalaa, laitai :(
mongold ireheer chin l niilj ailguitey te keke?
The face:// hehe. Ochij jaal biyuu uruulj avya. Bayabaga agaagiin bichleg unshsan yavmaar sanagdaad. 9 sard ch yum uu buunuuruu ochij bas magad. Jaal ailguitna aa!!!
Alain:/7 saryn suulees 8 saryn ehen hurtel, zuun ereg haviar 2-3 doloo honog bolno. Gehdee mongolchuud baruun ereg tiishee elbegeeree baidag yum shig bailee te? If you come to ny, jaal ailguitna aa...
Osobu:/ harin tiim. Shaal sonin te? Neeh lag ch yum shig... Mongol ochij jaal ailguitne aa
wow,samgetan goyo haragdaj baina..mmmm..
budaanii zutan gej yu be? zousui??
Too bad. Bi 7 sar gargaad geriin zug geden godon. Mongold uulziya tegeed ailguitya. Bi Osobu-aas yaj sain ailguiteh damjaa bariad suuj baiya gesen. LOL...
Bayabaga:/ zousui. Bish, ookayu. Zousui chin budaatai shull... Lag todorhoilson te???
Alain:/ za teguul mongold angalzya. Chi ny-d baidiimuu???
kkk... welcome to korea.. I can't mark it like when you do specific smth and calling it "busy" as I am busy always.. even at home when I have a phone call..it makes me busy to do other actions.. holding my knees and sitting on the sofa watching movie with some snacks..I am still busy.. you see.. busy busy busy.. it's opposite that at work I could be not busy during lunch time or break.. coz I have nothing to do then than wait for ma next class haha.. it's interesting.. about interview.. that really sucks.. they just want to see the person and there's nothing to be prepared for ya..sometimes it takes a few minutes to know ya more.. or sometimes like that as they did with ya.. envy ya.. u got that very easy..
ene hoolnuud chin yaasan ashtaihan haragdaad bnaa.. hyatad guriltai shol? yanztai haragdaj bna shuu
paah,aimaar todorhoilson beeshd..:)zousui budaatai shol..okayu-budaanii zutan ..keke,..boloh l yum
bi bas ailguitene shuu kkke
potato ajaa irkjaagaam bidde??
8 sard ? welcome :D
Strong> Ochij jaal altsganaya tee? kekeke
Interview, harin shal yadargaa te?
rhia> ajlyn hajuud yum chini daraa oroin hool hamt ochij idye l daa... ene guriltai shulnii guanz, bansh ene ter n ayagui dajgui sh dee..
bayabaga> zuv l todorhoilson baigaaz dee? keke
ershuu/tsagaanaa> ochij baigaad budaa bolgono oo tee???
aanhan kkke
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